Hair Rain Care

It’s not easy having beautiful hair especially with the unpredictable weather we are having. Afro hair in particular affected by the changing of seasons… from natural straightened hair going back to curls and relaxed hair turning into a fizz so what can you do…?

It starts first with your hair products. Make sure you choose hair products which are anti-frizz. They protect your hair from the harshness of the rain.  For natural curls try Mizani True Textures range, which not only protects your hair from frizz but makes your hair more manageable and defines your natural curls.

For relaxed hair, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to hair serums they provide a defensive shield from moisture. Whilst not always full proof it does give you that extra time before the fizz begins so perfect if you’re quickly popping out in light rain – but still bring a brolly!

…and when all else fails there is always braids, wigs and weave, not only quick solution for those miserable grey days but with hundreds of styles and colours to choose from you may well become the ray of sunshine!

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